
Through these blog articles, learn how resolveCBD can help you with your general health, and wellness and how we can help you achieve your goals.

CBD and meditation

CBD and meditation: the calming combo

By Fred Levesque / August 28, 2020 /

The query, “how do you meditate?” pulls up more than 500 million hits on Google. If this tells us anything, it’s that millions of us are looking for ways to quiet and relax our minds and bodies. Like meditation, CBD works to help treat anxiety, stress, and chronic pain—all physical and mental barriers that can…

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CBD and Yoga

How CBD can help elevate your yoga practice

By Fred Levesque / July 16, 2020 /

CBD and yoga share many benefits in that they both produce calming mental and physical effects. While CBD (cannabidiol) won’t get you high, it can take your yoga practice to another level in how it helps to soothe muscles, ease inflammation, increase focus, and create an even better mind-body connection—all benefits to the body that…

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Alternative medicine: the new mainstream

By Fred Levesque / March 31, 2020 /

What is Alternative Medicine? Alternative medicine is one part of a diverse group of medical and healthcare systems, practices, and products known as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). If you’ve ever wondered what complementary and alternative medicine is, here’s your answer: generally speaking, alternative medicine or therapy refers to treatment that is not a part…

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