CBD Information

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second major cannabinoid found in cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana. Unlike the other major cannabinoid THC, CBD is non-psychoactive. Clinical trials and studies have just started to scratch the surface of the vast variety of medicinal and therapeutic benefits CBD can provide, while anecdotal evidence suggests CBD is an effective treatment for chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, poor sleep, and epilepsy.

resolveCBD Products

While there is no universally recommended dosage, it is always best to start off with a low dose and increasing dosage gradually until you find the best dose for you. If taking resolveCBD Oil, we recommend dropping 0.5-1mL under your tongue and letting it dissolve over a minute or two. The dropper that comes with your resolveCBD Oil is clearly marked in 0.25mL increments so you can measure out the exact dosage you need.


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