Dosing 101: How to accurately dose CBD
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Whether it’s your daily dose of sunshine, coffee, or CBD, finding the right dose can make all the difference. When it comes to CBD, however, finding the best dose for you is a bit nuanced, and may take some trial and error to get it right. That’s because there are no hard and fast rules about how much CBD one should or shouldn’t consume, and there are no current regulations on dosing recommendations surrounding the compound. If you’re wondering “what is the dosage for CBD oil” you’ve come to the right place.
Not to worry though, that’s why we’re here. Through education and transparency, we believe in providing you with all the necessary information you need before, during, and after you purchase CBD products. Read on to learn about CBD dosing guidelines and how to calculate CBD dosages effectively.
First things first: a refresher on CBD
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 100 naturally forming compounds found in cannabis plants (hemp and marijuana), second in abundance to THC. Already being used as a proven treatment for childhood epilepsy, the therapeutic benefits of CBD include treating symptoms of anxiety, sleep issues, low mood, inflammation, joint pain, and more. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it does not get you high. By interacting with our body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS), CBD binds to cannabinoid receptors to maintain homeostasis within our body. No matter what ailment you’re trying to treat, getting the right dose of CBD is key to unlock its full benefits and your own full potential.
So…what is the dosage for CBD oil?
It is important to understand that clinical research around CBD has only just begun, and so much remains to be discovered about the use and benefits of this compound. What we do know is that there is no universal dosage, at least as of yet. According to a 2017 review, although CBD is relatively safe, different people and even different animals will respond in varied ways. CBD dosage can be dependent on a variety of factors, including body weight, diet, metabolism, other medications, genetics, medical conditions, and even the quality and formulation of the CBD itself. Here are a few considerations to help you calculate the right CBD dosage for you.
1. Consider the type of CBD product you are using
CBD comes in a variety of forms, from CBD oils (full spectrum, broad spectrum, isolate) to CBD capsules, edibles like CBD gummies, topicals, vape pens and more. Depending on the product, absorption and effectiveness could vary, and dosages may need to be adjusted accordingly.
For example, CBD oil is often considered the best method of consumption due to its high absorption and relatively fast onset. The product is administered under the tongue (sublingually) and absorbed through mucous membranes in the mouth, and sent directly to the bloodstream.
On the other hand, CBD capsules or gummies require additional digestion and metabolization by the liver, eventually sending the active ingredient to the bloodstream. While this may be equally effective in terms of the dose being received, onset is considerably longer. Topical CBD is absorbed through the skin, and can target specific areas of discomfort, however, because the skin has low permeability, a liberal amount may be required to reap the benefits. When applied topically, CBD cannot enter your bloodstream, meaning other common benefits of are not available, such as reduced anxiety.
How is CBD metabolized?
When most people refer to “metabolism,” they are usually referring to it in relation to weight loss and gain. What they are talking about here is their Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy per unit of time that one needs to keep their body functioning while at rest. This can vary significantly based on your activity level, height, weight, sex, muscle mass, and more. In terms of CBD metabolization, however, it’s a different story.
When CBD is taken orally, it must first be broken down into metabolites by the gut or liver, known as the “first-pass effect” or “first-pass metabolism.” These metabolites are then transported through the bloodstream. Unfortunately, this is quite an inefficient process, with a large amount of CBD being excreted, and as little as 6% being absorbed in the body after the first-pass effect. This is why administering CBD sublingually is often preferred, as it bypasses the digestive system and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
2. Consider body weight
A general rule of thumb is about 0.15mg – 0.20mg of CBD per pound of your bodyweight. For example, if you weigh 150lbs, an average dosage would be 22.5mg – 30mg. Therefore, if you are consuming CBD once a day and weigh about 150lbs, we would recommend opting for the resolve CBD Oil 1000mg tincture and administering just under one full dropper. This would last about 30 days.
For pets, a rule of 0.10mg – 0.15mg per pound of bodyweight applies. Therefore, if your pet is 10lbs, you would administer 1-2mg per day. We recommend opting for a pets specific formulation such as resolve CBD for pets oil. Read more about CBD oil for pets or check out the dosage chart below.

Still not sure? Take our 3-step quiz for a personalized dosage recommendation.
3. Consider any medical conditions
What is the dosage for CBD oil for certain medical conditions? If you are simply taking CBD to help with mild anxiety symptoms or sleep issues, an average dose should do the trick to minimize those symptoms and help you get relief; however, for more serious ailments like arthritis, chronic pain, or heavy depression, a higher dosage may be required. In cases like these, start off with the recommended average dose, or slightly less, and increase the dosage incrementally until you feel positive effects.
4. Consider your diet
In a 2019 study, researchers at the University of Minnesota found that the types of foods one eats regularly can have an effect on the amount of CBD that gets absorbed into the body. Because CBD is fat soluble, high fat foods can increase the rate of absorption. This is also why resolveCBD oils are formulated with medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil. When compared to fasting, taking CBD with food can increase absorption in the bloodstream by four times (with one instance even increasing absorption by 14 times). Whatever you decide, maintaining a regular method of administering CBD will reduce variability in absorption.
5. Consider where you are purchasing from
When purchasing CBD, always ensure to look for a reputable source. Read the labels on your CBD products and look for the following:
– Amount of CBD per bottle / serving
– Full ingredients list
– Net weight
– Hemp vs. marijuana
– Full spectrum, broad spectrum, or isolate
– Free of heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides

6. Consider any current medications
When you consume any medication, your body has to first break it down, or metabolize it. This is mostly done by the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) family of enzymes, found within the liver. This family of enzymes is also responsible for breaking down toxic compounds, as well as over 60% of drugs consumed. CBD can interfere with the CYP450 enzymes’ ability to metabolize certain medications, leading to a slower processing time. This means that there is an excess of the drug within your system at a given time, leading to unwanted side effects. Some drugs that could be affected by CBD include:
- Steroids
- Calcium channel blockers
- Antibiotics
- Beta blockers
- Anti-epileptics
- Antidepressants
- Antipsychotics
- Blood thinners
- Cholesterol medications
- And more.
If you are currently taking any medications, it is highly advised to talk to your doctor before taking CBD to discuss any potential interference. Your doctor may be able to formulate a plan with specific dosing recommendations and close monitoring to suit your needs.
How to calculate CBD dosage
If you’re taking CBD capsules or consuming CBD edibles, the packaging will tell you how much CBD is in a single serving. For example, resolve CBD gummies and CBD oil capsules are pre-dosed containing 20mg of CBD per gummy or capsule. Each pack of gummies contains 5 pieces for a total of 100mg CBD in a pack, which each bottle of capsules contains 20 pills for a total of 400mg of CBD per bottle.
CBD oil gets a bit more complicated, as the oil comes in a tincture formulated with a carrier oil. resolve CBD oil tinctures come in a dropper bottle of 30mL in varying concentrations of CBD from 300mg to 1500mg. Each dropper holds 1mL of liquid, therefore, you will consume the following quantity of CBD if you were to take a full dropper. Consult this CBD dosage chart to find the right dosage for your weight range.

Can you overdose on CBD?
The short answer is no. CBD has been proven to be non-toxic, and well-tolerated in humans. In fact, humans can tolerate up to 1500mg per day just fine, although some side-effects of going over that 1500mg could include nausea, lethargy, change in appetite, mild headaches, or diarrhea. In the case of CBD, less certainly equals more, because CBD is a bi-phasic compound. This means significantly high or low doses can have opposite effects, which is why it is important to stick within the lower range of dosage. When taken in small doses, users can experience an energizing effect, whereas higher doses may lead to tiredness and sedation.
It is always best to start with a low dosage, monitor its effects and track your progress, and adjust until you feel your desired effects.
Bottom line
CBD has the potential to offer natural, plant-based relief, if administered correctly in optimal dosages. What is the dosage for CBD oil isn’t cut and dry, however, we hope this article will help you accurately calculate the right dosage for you. Take the above considerations into account, consult with your doctor if you are unsure, and calculate your dosage accordingly. Of course, if you are still unsure, you can always take our short quiz for a personalized dosage recommendation or reach out to us via Live Chat or email at [email protected].
DISCLAIMER: Information and products presented by resolveCBD are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or ailment, nor is it intended to be a substitute or alternative for professional medical advice. Always consult with a licensed professional regarding medical treatment or possible interactions with prescribed drugs. Products are intended to be used as directed, by individuals who are 19 years of age or older.