How CBD works

Scientist holding a marijuane leaf

How long does 0.3% THC stay in your system?

By Fred Levesque / December 21, 2022 / Comments Off on How long does 0.3% THC stay in your system?

When it comes to CBD, one of the most common questions people have is how long does it stay in the body and whether or not it will show up on a drug test.  The main concern is the presence of THC, which is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that can cause a high and…

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elderly couple smiling for a picture in from of a beautiful tree

CBD for Seniors: can it help the elderly age more gracefully?

By Fred Levesque / October 19, 2022 / Comments Off on CBD for Seniors: can it help the elderly age more gracefully?

Why are more Seniors embarking on their CBD journey? Getting old does not mean that everything is becoming dark and gloomy.  These are the golden years!  Travel, family, cooking, sightseeing, these activities are all in the cards and more!  But how can your body follow your lifestyle? Let’s not kid ourselves, as we get older,…

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CBD and Menopause group of friends

CBD and Menopause

By Fred Levesque / November 12, 2021 / Comments Off on CBD and Menopause

The benefits of CBD have become nearly common knowledge over the past few years as the interest in non-traditional medicine grows. Many health conditions can be treated using prescription medication, but people are now opting for natural remedies like CBD because it poses less risk, both long and short-term, and there can be fewer side…

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